Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back in San Francisco

Dear Family,

I made it back to San Francisco and landed to a clear blue sky and 70 degree weather. Amazing. It's good to be back and to start myself in a routine again. That being said, the month-long vacation was amazing and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful and caring family. I had such a great time and am thankful for each of you. It's funny how such a long time can pass so quickly and at the end I can feel like I didn't spend enough time with the family.

On the plane ride I started to read the book I received from Santa for Christmas A Single Life by Kristen Oaks. She has a comment that I thought was really funny that I want to share because I think it is a very true statement, at least in our family. "Not being married becomes a family affair...every relative seems affected by their single state." Just thought that was funny.

I'm excited to see all of you in a few short weeks! We should do a family picture (minus the in-laws because we wouldn't want to buck tradition by having them involved ;)).

Corm, I am so proud of you and look up to you as an example. Sorry that my book entry sucks. I'll try and write an addendum and send it to you so that your companions and your posterity won't think of me as the sister who had nothing to say to you about your mission. Duh.

I love you all!


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