Saturday, May 3, 2008

Yo Mutha Loves You ALL!

This blog thing has been really a great thing and I have laughed and cried my eyes out while reading them. Savanna, it meant so much that you brought us up to date on what was going on with you and Steve concerning the Football draft and it helped so that we weren't barraging you with calls and questions and chatter. Our hearts and prayers were with you but also our faith in Steve continues because we know that his head is on and that his intentions in life for success are far beyond the football playing field.
We have missed them being around and I especially have missed hearing "Kaky Grandma" when I would see him.
McSean has taken Kera to St. George for a get away for their 4th anniversary and also Kera's birthday. Eliza, Peter and I are on baby sitting duty.
Alecia's blog was so touching and I cried reading it. I got onto Rich's blog and read the comments and once again, Alecia and Romney left wonderful expressions of love and appreciation for Rich's life and love to Marianne and her boys.
I too want to live my life to be a better person like Rich has inspired all of us to do. I encourage each of you to log on and read about his experiences with his cancer and with his great lessons of living.
This morning Peter invited Jeff, McCormack to attend a new viewing of the movie "Forever Strong". Peter is in the movie and it is so fun to see him and to realize that he was in that actually getting creamed and kicking butt.
The movie is about Larry Gelwix coaching the boys at Highland High School and he inspiring stories of hard work and determination and becoming better people because of the team and what it stood for. Plan on seeing it and taking your friends when it comes out in September. Yes, I cried my eyes out in the movie too.
McCormack is working hard to get ready for his AP Government exam on Monday so keep him in your prayers. He has shown great courage and stamina to overcome his battle with his demons and we are so grateful that he has gotten to this point. We know it isn't easy and that he hates the mess but what a giant of a fighter he has been.
Kara and Christian are amazing to be able to get to the point where they are finishing up their "2nd" year of law school. Kara has another week of hell but she is strong and tenacious and will endure to finish and finish strong. We get them home for a while (Kara 2 weeks only but hey, we'll take it). The grand kids are continually a source of great joy to your Dad and I and it is so great to hear and see their growth and their charm. We LOOOOV it!
Your Dad and I will be going to Washington,D.C. on Saturday and will be back Tuesday night. GRandma Helen is loving being on the go in Florida and sends her love.
You are all loved and ALWAYS in my heart and in my prayers!

Love, Yo Mutha

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