My Dear Children
This will be short, but at least I a trying. I has been a difficult few weeks with the accident. Kathy is at the hospital every day for most of the day. It has been very hard on her. It is difficult to see how Helen is going to get better. Every solution seems to create another problem. I participated with Elder Oaks in the blessing. He mostly told her she was in God's hands and his will be done.
I am working in the Temple. That is an unusual experience for me, but also a spiritual one. I have many of the parts learned, but it is still a very new experience. So at least for awhile you do not have to bow down to me.
McCormack seems to be doing well. He has his papers all done and is waiting for his doctors appointment. He is more than half way through the Book of Mormon and understands it well. He is also following the campaign closely and watched the first debate. I think he will vote for Obama, but the first debate raised some questions in his mind about both candidates.
The weather is great. The pool is clean and I went swimming yesterday.
I can't figure out how to add pictures and McCormack is asleep. Maybe later.
Love Dad