Friday, March 28, 2008

Sad Goodbyes

It was so great seeing everyone over spring break and it was so sad to leave. I thought about making a surprise visit this weekend, but couldn't find a flight under $320 -a bit out of my budget.

The week back has been good. I've gotten a lot of studying done and am gearing up for finals in a little over a month. The weather has been chilly and finally started to rain today. I normally don't mind the rain until I have to walk in it and no matter how I hold my umbrella, my pants and shoes get soaked. The wind is blowing hard and is whistling through my single-paned windows -brrrr!

I have posted two pics -the first of me with the nieces and nephews on Easter Sunday and the other is from the camping trip I took with some people in my ward in January. We were down in Big Sur National Park in Carmel and Point Lobos in Monterey. It was a fun but cold weekend.

Lots of love,


The Thompson Times said...

Uhmm, who is the hottie you failed to mention .... way to go Kara!!!

The Thompson Times said...

Uhmm, who is the hottie you failed to mention .... way to go Kara!!!

The Thompson Times said...

Zoom in -not so hottie; plus he is dating a girl in the ward. He goes for the super molly type too, which I am definitely not.