Friday, June 13, 2008

Today I flew

Remember that scene in What's Up Doc when they are in the white bug driving through the streets of San Francisco and at one point they fly off the top of a hill and land part way down? Well, today I flew. I was driving a little red Yaris and going a little too fast down a very steep hill. I was quickly approaching a yellow light and knew I wouldn't be able to stop so I gunned it. Little did I know that gunning it would send launch me over the lip of the street and send me airborne down the other side. I landed with a thud and then peeled out. It was hilarious! I went from "oh crap" to laughing as I pictured what it must have looked like for this little red car to fly over the top of the hill.

Too bad nobody was with me to experience the moment. I'm sure it won't happen again; it isn't something I could forcefully recreate.

Love you guys!

1 comment:

The Thompson Times said...

Sheez Kara. I wish I could have seen that. Please don't do that again. Lots of love, Marisa