Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Hello Familia!!!
So freak I am so sorry, I seriously forgot about the blog, until was just sitting at mom and dad's computer and saw the blog. I freaking love you guys. Peter and I are doing great. Peter is doing a great job at work and things are really looking good for him. We went to St. George with another couple this weekend and it was sooo nice to have a relaxing minute without work and stress and stuff! I went about a week without feeling sick (granted it felt like a two weeks!) and then I got this stupid cough adn I am back in full swing of being the VOMITING QUEEN. Seriously it is so dumb. I was putting my makeup on today and out of nowhere I threw up in the sink. This pregnancy thing is a blast!! No I am loving it. Today the doctor told me that I should relax and that it is normal to feel better and then get sick again, she said it will do that for a while and then all of a sudden I am not sick anymore, so cross your fingers that that day will be soon! I heard the babies heart beat today, and it is so exciting, it beats so fast. I kind of forget that I am prego, and then I hear that and it gets me soooo excited. I am think I am going to apply or a job at some baby place so that I can get a discount on baby stuff and then all the extra cash I am making, put towards the baby. I am getting so excited. I can find out in two and a half weeks what I am having. Holy cow, crazy that i am having a baby! I love you all and I went through and read all of your blogs, you guys are so awesome. Thanks for being such a great family. Love you.

Love Eliza and Peter!!!

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