Thursday, April 10, 2008

What makes a good day?

As many of you know, our good friend Rich Lloyd is dying from brain cancer. It has been so sad to watch his health rapidly deteriorate. He writes in a blog nearly every day and what he wrote yesterday, I found so profound and such a good reminder not to take life for granted. This is what he wrote:

Good Days, a Personal & Current Definition

For everyone, one of the things you hope for is that you have almost all "good days," but more importantly, we recognize them and appreciate them. Most people are pretty good at this, but for some it takes a very conscious effort to remember these, replicate them, and always be grateful for them,

That, I have found recently, is a lot easier to do in the in a trial like cancer or another tough trial, as others can attest as well.

Just for fun, here is my short but sweet list of what presently, strangely enough, makes a "good day" for Rich Lloyd... :)

1) I Slept Well. Not sick at night or coughing or having other health issues.

2) I am productive. I get a lot of Peruvian Connection work done.

3) I see my kids and wife a lot. I am out of bed at least half the day.

4) I am not at the hospital as an inpatient :)

5) I get to play the piano sometime that day.

6) I get to help a friend or loved one with something -- advice, help on a business plan, you name it.

7) I get all my treatments done and make time to do Physical Therapy and complete my exercises as well.

8) I get to see friends or visitors and have a voice to communicate with them.

9) I can serve and help others- this is the most gratifying part of any day.

10) I have time to read, study and learn

So go and have your own GREAT day, however you define it...

Wow, we all sure have so much to be grateful for. Today, someone on Rich's blog wrote there are two questions that we should ask ourselves everyday:

1)What are you doing today to make a difference in how your life turns out?


2)What are you doing today to make a difference in how someone else's life turns out?

Lots to think about. I sure love you guys.


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