Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Last Lecture

Hey everyone. I don't know how many of you watched Diane Sawyer's interview of Randy Pausch tonight, but it was incredibly touching. You can see excerpts and watch his full lecture on the good morning america site: Honestly it was so inspiring. Randy is dying of pancreatic cancer and just has a very positive message about life and living every day.

I am also including another link: Storytelling Alice is a computer program specifically designed for girls to help them understand and interact better with computers. I thought Marisa and Alecia would enjoy it and play with Cora, Thomas, and Lauren. The site was mentioned on the above program.

That's about it. All is well here in San Fran. I missed the chaos of the protesting today with the torch relay because of class but after watching the news tonight I don't think I missed much since they kept changing the route.

Love you all!


1 comment:

The Thompson Times said...

I'm actually shocked that you weren't involved in the rally! Kara, what has happened to your fighting for a cause spirit? Just kidding.... savanna